Crafted with student input to ensure relevance and resonance, GatorWell has tailored a Biweekly Health Message Campaign to meet the diverse needs of UF students. Our campaign is prominently displayed campus-wide throughout the year utilizing various platforms like social media, the Health Hut, our office spaces, and the platforms of our campus partners. The schedule of our targeted messages parallel student needs based on the cadence of each semester. For instance, we consistently start Fall semesters with the biweekly message of Campus Resources to empower our students to not only know but also utilize the resources available to them at UF. Similarly, we close out each semester with a Stress Management message to help students build strong, healthy skills as they navigate final exams and projects.

Complementing this campaign are GatorWell's targeted health communication initiatives, addressing various topics including drink spiking prevention, consent, bystander intervention and the benefits of reduced cannabis use. These campaigns actively promote healthy behaviors among students across a range of areas.

If you would like to learn more about this program or obtain permission to use any of the designs on the UF campus, please contact

Fall Semester Messages