The ability to manage time can have positive impacts on academic performance and overall wellness. When we consider the core of time management, it really boils down to self-management. Are we able to prioritize based on urgency and importance? Can we address and overcome procrastination? Do we set boundaries and say no when we need to?
Time management skills are important for balancing multiple roles and responsibilities. Strong time management skills can help us manage stress, accomplish what is most important, relax without guilt, create motivation, organization, and focus while decreasing feeling overwhelmed, and urges to cram, and/or procrastinate.
According to NCHA (National College Health Assessment) data, procrastination is one of the top academic impediments for UF students. So it’s beneficial to find strategies that work for you to address and overcome procrastination and set priorities for yourself.
Procrastination is the nemesis of time management. Overall, leading to inefficient use of time and taking away from the things you should be doing. Understanding the influence of procrastination can help identify solutions to decrease the urge to procrastinate.
It is important to stay focused and complete the task you are working on. As you lose focus and begin multitasking, it can lead to decreased productivity, increased stress, and longer hours spent studying.
Getting started on tasks can also be a challenge. Having strategies to turn to when you recognize procrastination can be helpful. Consider what is influencing your procrastination to help determine what strategy will work best for you in this situation.
Prioritizing our time can help reduce procrastination by encouraging us to focus on what is most urgent and most important. It can also help us as we prioritize what we do and when we do it based on our energy levels. Being self-aware about if you are a morning person, a night owl, or somewhere in between can support productivity and efficiency.