What is Interpersonal Violence? 

Interpersonal violence is behavior that causes physical, psychological, or sexual harm to another. Examples include (but are not limited to): sexual violence, rape, stalking, dating and relationship violence, harassment, and gender-based violence. When considering terms for different types of violence it is important to note that definitions can vary from state to state and can also be different for college campuses. 

The important thing to remember is that, together, we can work to create a campus culture where violence isn’t tolerated, and everyone does their part to reduce the likelihood of others being harmed. 

How can you help prevent violence from happening? 

  • Challenge behaviors that are supportive of violence.
  • Intervene in ways that are realistic for you when you notice a harmful situation.
  • Try one of the 3 Ds: Direct, Delegate, Distract
  • Be mindful of your own language .
  • Request a GatorWell presentation.
  • Attend outreach events.