All Gators living well, purposeful lives.
Empowering UF students to build their own path toward lifelong wellbeing through prevention, advocacy, and sustainable behavior change.
Since its inception in 1972, GatorWell has applied health promotion strategies to educate UF students on health and wellbeing topics relevant to the college experience. All GatorWell services are free to UF students. From individual appointments to group workshops, the Health Promotion Specialists at GatorWell target information, skills, and behavior change to the needs of college students. Free and confidential individual appointments are provided to currently enrolled students, as well as comprehensive programming and outreach on various health topics including healthy relationships, flourishing, harm reduction and lifelong wellbeing. GatorWell also offers presentations, workshops and health communication campaigns. As health education leaders, GatorWell works with campus partners and community stakeholders to best meet the health needs of UF students and provide a continuation of care. Through our collaborations and advocacy, we aim to support student wellbeing to positively impact academic success.
Be Well. Do Well.

The University of Florida joined JED Campus, a nationwide initiative of The Jed Foundation (JED) designed to guide schools through a collaborative process of comprehensive systems, program and policy development with customized support to build upon existing student mental health, substance abuse, and suicide prevention efforts.
By becoming a JED Campus, UF embarked on a multi-year strategic collaboration that not only assesses and enhances the work that is already being done but helps create positive, lasting, systemic change in our campus community. Currently, UF is a JED Campus alumnus.