There are many different types of relationships that a person can have. There are friend, family, mentor, advisor, roommate, intimate partner relationships and more. In all these relationships' communication is extremely important. Good communication in relationships includes being able to set personal boundaries and respect other’s boundaries, always asking for consent, having conversations about barrier method use with intimate partners, and getting tested for STIs/STDs and knowing your status.
What are Personal Boundaries?
Personal Boundaries are guidelines or limits about how someone wants others to treat them. It is important in all types of healthy relationships- friends, family, partner, colleagues etc.
Developing personal boundaries allows for clear communication and understanding, and will give you skills for having difficult conversations with others - including conversations around consent, condom negotiation, and getting tested/knowing your status-
What is Consent and How Can You Ask For it?
Consent is an active process of willingly and freely choosing to participate in sexual activity of any kind with another person, it should be mutual, voluntary (not coerced), wanted, and enthusiastic. Consent can’t exist if a person is mentally incapacitated or physically helpless.
Do You & Your Partner(s) Know Your Status?
Discussing sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, can be extremely difficult. But talking about this issue ahead of time is crucial. In order to best communicate getting tested with someone else, check out the following tips: